Chris Jones

Featured Publication

Little Piece of Harm

My latest collection of poems is available from Longbarrow Press.  Little Piece of Harm is a narrative sequence that focuses on 24 hours in the life of a city that has been shut down in the aftermath of a shooting. As this act of violence ramifies outwards, the sequence explores the geographical reach of Sheffield…

Posted on 28th March 2021 in Publications

The Safe House

The Safe House has been a long time in the making. The book almost feels like a Selected Poems from the past ten years, what with my prison poems included as a section, and the river poems having a ‘chapter’ too. There’s lots of new work here as well, poems written in the last five…

Posted on 2nd March 2012 in Publications

Hard on the Knuckle

Hard on the Knuckle mostly details my experiences as a writer-in-residence at HMP Nottingham. I worked at the prison from November 1997 to February 1999. At the time, the institution housed “lifers” and remand inmates so I worked with a whole range of individuals at different stages in their prison lives. The collection also includes a…

Posted on 2nd March 2012 in Publications


It has been shown by linguists and psychologists that babies can make all the phonic sounds of all the words of all the languages in the world, whether they are needed or not by the baby for the language (or languages) he or she will inherit, learn. It is only once babies begin to construct…

Posted on 1st March 2012 in Publications

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